Sensuality, Sexuality and Bliss

My random thoughts on sensuality:

A sensual life is more than sex. It is an aesthetic, a mindset that takes the simple to the artful and makes even eating a delight.

Do not confuse sexuality with spirituality. My sexual nature does not keep me from being a child of God. It just raises it to sensuality on a sacred level.

A relationship should indulge each partner. You should not fear your love’s desires.

A sensual life will elevate you, heighten your senses. Make you more aware of the subtleties of life and the bliss that surrounds you.

A sensual life is more than sex. It is about enjoying life on a higher level. Allowing the everyday to fill you with pleasure.

If you approach your sexuality as moments of giving pleasure to another and enjoy the giving. Your sex life will be richer.

My sexuality is not about the number of times you have sex. It is about the experience, the pleasure and adventure every time.

If I had my wish my nights would be spent enfolded in the arms of a lover who plays my body like an instrument that only he knows how to play

If I had my wish my days would be filled with the heady anticipation of seeing the one I desire and knowing he feels the same way.

If I had my wish I would be awakened by tender kisses and passionate sex every morning.

Great sex should be restful. You should be so worn out that all you can do is sleep.

Sex for me is like breathing. Do without it for too long and I begin to choke.

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